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The Junior Rifle Program is a great way for children to learn proper firearms handling, range safety procedures, shooting techniques, and have some competitive fun. All members' children and grandchildren ages 10-18 are welcome; however, space is strictly limited to 14 children and priority is given to returning participants. The program is funded by the genorosity of the membership, so there is no participation fee. All equipment and ammunition is provided by the club.


The Junior Rifle Program begins the first Monday in October and runs through April. The NRA Marksmanship program meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 6:30 to 9:00 PM, and the Junior Rifle team meets the 2nd and 4th Monday from 6:30 to 9:00 PM. Please note that the indoor range will be closed to open shooting during Junior Rifle events.

The goal of the Junior Rifle Program is to develop safe, ethical, and responsible shooters through educational marksmanship training. The program's objectives are safety and marksmanship instruction which include the following life skills:

  • Self control, self discipline, emotional control

  • Concentration skills, goal-setting, achievement

  • Fairplay, teamwork, leadership

  • Rewards of hard work, training, and competition


The program's goals are to:

  • Teach rifle target skills more quickly and effectively

  • Establish a foundation for the participants' future development regardless of their personal goals

  • Create an enjoyable marksmanship experience

  • Foster life-long participants in the shooting sports

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